Sunday, March 05, 2006

Who pays?

The notion of who foots the bill in a relationship has always been popping up in my conversation with my close friends and family.

My sister thinks that the guy should always foot the bill and it disturbs her when the guy doesnt. Well, for me, perhaps it is because I have mostly, if not always, gone Dutch, that it disturbs me for the guy that I am dating to foot for everything. It makes me feel almost weak, obligated, bad and in some cases, embarrassed. I just cant accept it. But, that doesnt mean I dont want a guy to pay. In fact, I would think it will be nice and gentlemanly for the guy to foot the bill. Just not for everything. Yes, perhaps girls may think i am being stupid..but i think it is unfair for the guy to pay for everything.

Having said that, for guys who are just stingy to pay for anything on dates, i think girls should just dump them! Why the contradiction then?

Well, it is the spirit of generousity on the part of guys and not the money that matters. Even if a guy does not earn much, I think, being willing to give, to pay, to spend, says alot about how much this girl means to you.

Many says that one has to set the tone for the relationship. "If you start to pay in a relationship, it will continue that way all the way till even marriage.."
hmm...i am not sure..yes, definitely a tone has been set but things change. Environment of a person changes, circumstances change and so do finances. If, by the time of marriage, my husband cannot afford to pay, then perhaps, we are not ready for marriage?

Argh. I live by what I am comfortable with.


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