Friday, December 22, 2006

Beautiful as it seems

It hasnt been all that smooth sailing for me this dec. I've gone down and under for most of the month and i wonder if I'll still feel the same. It has been an emotional roller-coaster ride for me. Still, the beautiful places I've been too have cheered me up quite abit.

I have managed to meet up with my friends from all over the world which I never thought I'll see them again.

(This is taken in a restaurant in Frankfurt where by dear friends have brought me..)

(Here, we took a picture right after we had drinks in Seoul. It had been more than a year since we dear Oobas..)

The following are pictures I took in ROME..

This post is just about pictures pictures and more pictures to remind myself how good life has been to me and that I should not be sad about what I do not have. Instead, i should focus my energy on what I already had.

I have gone to places I have never dreamt before and most of all, I have bought myself all the things that I have always been wanting for the past year.

As I looked back on my wish list, I have fulfilled 80%!!

My new ipod, my new camera, my new lappy and it is literally new because all my life, i have never touched a Mac before and here I am using it..heh..

I love the comfort of having my own laptop!

I guessed i could have bought all these in a span of time rather than all in one shot but yet, I chose to burn a hole in my pocket and then wait for it to recover. I cant resist. I guessed it is a way of making myself feel better to having what should have been mine. And i know these things will always be mine.

I am not really in a mood to write but if I do not do it now, I wonder if I'll ever pen my feelings down. Over the past few months, ever since this job started, I have bottled up alot of my thoughts. It is not healthy but yet, it is worst to blog these down.

Hence, I convinced myself to have a laptop to have my feelings kept in here.

On the hind sight, I should really be happy coz life can only be better in time to come. Over the last few years, I have overcame alot of personal struggles and of coz, I must say more to come, especially health issues given my current lifestyle.

Still, I believe nothing is impossible and that I will triumph!!

(Vatican City and the inside of it)

(The Pantheon..)

(The's where we our wishes will come true..I certainly hope mine would)

(Ahem..I cant remember what is this..I think it is one of buildings in Rome..hahah. everywhere in Rome has buildings of this kind. It is that beautiful!)

The rest are pictures in Zurich...

On the top of Mount Titlis...

And with Syarin in the was coooold!!!


Blogger sa said...

wahhhhh..retail therapy is always good but the aftermath of realising how much money has gone into it....heh..

anyhow, good to know you're back for good and we can meet up anytime and anywhere!!

4:05 PM  

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