Love is ONLY a Feeling?
I wonder : How much can one love? And, how many can one love?
Looking around among friends and also in my own life, I cant help but realised that there were sooo many people in our life. We have been through numerous relationships. I'm sure every relationship has a place in one's heart, be it memories which are painful or happy. Hmm..most likely they are painful memories since they are the past of failed relationships.
Oh wait. But if we did not give any in those failed relationships, we wont feel any hurt, wont we?
Then back to my original bewilderment..Is it possible to love more than 1 person now that we have more than 1 relationship?
Right, it seems as though to answer that, we have to address the fundamentals of "What is LOVE?" ----- Hmm...since the beginning of time, this is one of those controversies no one has given an adequate answer for all. A song by The Darkness has it titled - "Love is Only a feeling".
Sometimes as i reflect about the past and situations happening to my close friends around me, I cant help but nod in agreement that perhaps, Love is afterall, ONLY a feeling. Once the feeling goes away, what is left? NOTHING.
Yet again, isnt it weird how strong this feeling can be that it changes everything and to the extent of being the master of one's mind and willpower?
How much can one realli love?
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