Sunday, March 12, 2006

Human revolution

i feel as if my life has shortened.

i feel this way after each long flight to or fro U.S....those irritating, troublesome and inconsiderate passengers..worst still, impatient..argh..

this job is a training ground for me to polish my character in becoming a better person, which is what buddhism will term as human revolution.

it is a constant struggle for me, and it takes less than a minute for one to decide what kind of person we want to be from moment to moment, right there at that very instant.

there is a very thin line between being humble and allowing others to take advantage of. For example, when a senior starts being bossy and all, i have 2 options. one is to retaliate in subtle way and the other, to swallow it down. The former feels as if "revenge" has been taken and sends signal that i am not one easily bullied. It can feel quite good but it is also the 1st step to becoming an ugly person.
The latter, on the other hand, makes one feel unhappy but it will only last for a while. with the right mindset and attitude, knowing that the law of cause and effect based on buddhism, one can be happier by choosing this option.

however, it takes alot of conscious effort to not choose #1 since it is human tendency to do that.

no matter what,only in my job can i really put human revolution and polish my character based on what i learnt in buddhism in practice. perhaps, in other jobs, i will be too busy and distracted with the technicalities of the job and neglect the most important thing in life, and that is character-building.


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