I am missing my baby...it has only been a day without him that I am missing him soooooo much....sob sob....
At home now, listening to James Blunt's You're Beautiful while blogging. Today was supposed to meet Ron, Julian and Chong for lunch at Maxwell but it didnt happen and I was all dressed up at home...=( anyway, had a sleepy lunch with sis and now, with the after-showers weather, I am all ready to sleep..but I cant! I have a Soka meeting tonight.
Anyway, I had a long talk with sis yesterday night. It was about family, relationships etc. Sis was very happy and still am with my dear baby. He is such a dear!! I realised that sis is the very sister I have always wanted but growing up was a different thing I guessed. It certainly is a wonderful feeling to have your family members loving and supporting who you love.
2 more days and I'll be starting work with my new company. Actually as of 4 days ago,I have already bonded myself for amounts which I can probably buy 1/3 of a car with that money. Am I looking forward to that new job? Yes I guessed but judging from the last job, I am skeptical of how different it would be, probably just more flexible, which means alot to me.
Coming July I will be all alone in Singapore again. Baby will be in NZ studying, Sis will be probably be studying either in UK or Australia and Dad, Mom would probably be heading to Shanghai for work for god knows how long again. sigh. Me, will be stuck in SIN for next few months till Sept before I start flying again.
It is weird, mostly I am doing my own stuff when I'm home but yet, I dont fancy living alone. I like having people around me. Coming back to a home with people moving around, finding food to cook (Dad), watching telly (Sis)...after I started flying, I realised that I like staying with my family, I like the feeling of coming back to a home after a flight. It is almost an anticipation.
Anyway, baby and me had a talk about how things would be like when he heads off to NZ..We will miss each other badly, especially with me stuck here in SIN for a few months and god knows when I will get NZ flight..sigh..
but baby, I will be very occupied with my new job (that's good news!)heh..
right, time's up! gotta run.
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