Wednesday, May 18, 2005

authorities, so what?

We should speak up.

Nothing politically suggestive. Was having lunch with the staff of OE. These are ladies who are in their late 20s and or early 30s. Some are married, some single. Was on the notion about our prof sending his sons overseas to study. They are heading to Aussie to see the Dean to decide if he would study overseas or in S'pore. Then a bitch said "Nowadays ah,students are requesting to see the Dean even for minor details. Last time, our time, where got such things?"

I looked at her. And I look away in disgust. She's being herself again - a bitch.

Honestly, call me westernised. I dont see anything wrong in seeing a Dean. What's the point in flying all the way there just to see someone who cant make decisions?

It's because there are inefficient people around, mainly middle level managers that we need to look for higher authorities to settle issues.

Why should fear play a part in this?? What is so fearful in speaking up?

Even the President of Harvard University, Dr Lawrence Summer, had to apologise to the public for his discrimination against women when he said that women has less innate ability than men in science. Imagine this were to happen in the Asian culture, fuck. No anger would be sparked enough to make a person of authority to apologise manz.


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