Can you get to a future if your past is...
Another sleepless post.
I was going through some of my old stuff in my laptop..and I realised I do have quite a few hidden stuff here and there..
1) A diary I kept 2 years ago in an online diary which I had just exported to a word document.
2) Interesting videos which is only for my own viewing pleasure. Not much of a pleasure to begin with actually.
Then I stumbled upon a synopsis of a season in Sex and The City. I loooove that show. No, not a fan of desperate housewives. And I began to think of the lines in Episode 77 : "The Perfect Present"
In this episode, Carrie wonders "Can you get to a future if your past is present?". Not that am in contact with Mark anymore so technically, my past isnt my present. Yet, it's the pictures and memories coming up in my head that makes it in the present.
On my first date with Mr. B, I recalled what we both said on the topic about my ex, Mark. I had said " the next person coming up will have a hard time dealing me with the whole ex thingy." And I read in the synopsis : "The only one who should have to pay for a bad relationship is the person in your next relationship." -Miranda
I cant help but feel terrible now. What have I done?
Nothing, you have done nothing... =)
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