Saturday, August 20, 2005

Round 1

*phew* one round down! Just had my Japanese test today. Finally, after 9 days of tough training and it's over! quite sad about not being able to see my Sensei though. Funny how it's only 9 days and yet our class and her get so comfortable.

Been so busy these days and finally it's an off day tomorrow. Really looking forward to having a day of rest. Struggled to wake up this morning without thinking I need more sleep. But I must say, I am happy.

Looking ahead, next week is gonna be a tougher week. For the past 9 days, we sort of tested our Sensei out...we figured she's more particular about our attitude and aptitude in learning the language rather than our appearances and so, our makeup became lesser and lesser each day. First we started with our lipstick. We no longer bother to touch up with it after lunch. Then, it was lesser rouge. Next was without eye shadow. Finally, next week's instructor, has given us a warning that our makeup, hairdo has to be improved. It's definitely not gonna be as relaxed next week. Face the challenges with all my might!!

Sigh. I long for a day to relax and chill. To sit by a calm, serene atmosphere with a book and a cup of coffee . No, Bloody Mary would be better. Salt on the rim of the glass, pls.


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