Saturday, December 31, 2005

Why I am still single

Last night, I was out on a date. We havent met each other before. Except that we could roughly make out how the other party looks like based on pictures from Friendster. It's weird . Totally weird. It's so unlike me.... I just set myself up on a blind date!!!! Gosh. Anyway, my date was close to what I had wanted in a guy. He was tall, nice built. (goes to gym often) and from all those SMS, he has quite a sense of humour. I was hopeful.

We agreed to meet for dinner and drinks. For once, I was in a black dress...all dolled up with that barbie hairdo. It was exciting if you ask me, not knowing what to expect. (My appetite for risk is getting higher)

Verdict : It was BAD.


1)He was late. I waited for more than half an hour. Didnt you guys know that being late for a date, especially a first date is a big NO? Not that I had never make anyone wait. But for a first date?

2)Dinner was quiet. He couldnt hold a good conversation without having me to repeat what I said. Maybe it was a first meeting and all..shy..whatever but my idea of a good first date is to at least hold a decent enough conversation and not keep to your food. (Usually, that's what i do)

3)Adjourned for drinks...I was thinking things would change...probably open up with the effects of alcohol? Then I realised, he was into chinese songs...Sense of humour was different..there was really NOTHING to talk about.

Lessons learnt : DO NOT set yourself on blind dates! hahahahha...

Me says: tell me, when with xxx, do u feel in love?

pal says: like how?

Me says: hmm..u know, that u know ure happy..that u really like or love this person....that u think u can overcome alot of things with that person

Me says: i dunno...i think i dun even know what in love is

pal says: that's faith

Me says: faith in a person? faith in a person makes me want to love that person and not just feel in love?

pal says: you need to meet someone who really loves you and you can love...also in love.

pal says: haven't you felt that you won't regret if you marry the guy you go out?

Me says: far, i did feel that was my first bf...i was 17? we were together for 5 years. until now, i think i wont regret. but...

Me says: i know he is not enough for me. Not regretting and feeling inadequate is different.



Blogger Thrasymachus said...

Blind Dates? Must be really daring to do that. Then again, some love are blind while others are just blinded by it.

Just that is chemistry, either you have it and produce synergy or you don't and produce mass bordom.


1:21 AM  
Blogger sa said...

Ha. yes, I am indeed a risk-taker. The lack of courage has never been an issue, regardless of what issue it is. many out there has it with one another? It's tough I say, to find. But, the belief that somehow someday, we will find it. Meanwhile, like you said, mass bordom..still, I wont condone that! hahaha

4:24 AM  
Blogger Thrasymachus said...

Wish you luck in find your true love. Glad that you stuck to your beliefs. Maybe I'm wrong but I think youths these days are trying to hard to find the "one" partner for themselves.

The ideal "one" that is made in heaven and possesses all the desirable traits that would charm you off your feet kind. Cynic like me tends to think that influx of media and movies made us all crave for the perfection of partners that we might or might not find and be less satisfied with our less-perfect partners.

Think when couples accept each other's faults and flaws is when couples settle and be happy. "Don't go I just love the way you are....the imperfect you"


4:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have yet to try my hand at a bling date, but I am fairly certain I wouldn't be late, for starters. Yikes!

That's not to say I wouldn't give it a go at some point (like lately haha!). It's more a testament to not having the time, perhaps, that I have not gone boldy into that fray.

Kudos to you for being in the trenches! ^_^

2:04 AM  

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