Monday, May 29, 2006

Wake up wake up!

Today, I received a clear wake-up call. Not literally. One of the most important wake-up calls in my life that enables me to change my life and change my family's karma.

I am most happy that my dear has joined me in my gakkai activities and that he has come to know this great buddhism. It is because I really want him to be happy and I hope from now on, with this buddhism, he will be able to build a tower of happiness for himself and those around him!

Strict guidance received today was the wake-up call that strengthens my faith and spurs me on to work even harder for the happiness of others and myself. As I look back at my own actions and that which I have caused others around me to be sad or upset, I apologise to my own lives.

"One should take responsibility for your situation. Everything depends on yourself to change it. Wisdom is the key. Instead of praying blindly to an object of worship, practise Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism to gain that wisdom. Problems in life serve as a springboard and not obstacles in our life. Little problems on a bigger picture are signals to us. Everything is a mirror image of our life."


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