Sunday, February 24, 2008


コブケロ: ここにしか咲かない花

何も無い場所だけれど ここにしか咲かない花がある
心に括りつけた荷物を  静かに降ろせる場所

空の色映し出した 瑠璃色の海遥かから聞こえる
あなたの笑い声は よく聞けば波の音でした

寂しさ隠せずにいるなら 一人になればいい
ささやくほどの声で呼んでいるのは いつも同じ名前

変わらずに 僕を待ってくれていますか?
最後まで笑顔で 何度も振り返り
遠ざかる姿に 唇かみしめた
今はこみ上げる 寂寞の思いに
潤んだ世界を 拭ってくれる指先を 待っている

影が教えてくれるのは そこにある悲しみだけじゃない

同じ数の出会いと別れ でも割り切れなくて
余るほどの想い出をいつまでも 胸に咲かせながら

今ここに 生きている証を刻むよ

どうかこの涙を しおれかけの花に
喜びの彼方で もう一度咲けるように
願いは海風に 吹かれて大空へ

やがて小さな 虹をわたるよ いつの日か その足で

(ここにしか咲かない花 ここにしか吹かない風
ここでしか聴けない歌 ここでしか見えないもの…)

変らずに 僕を待ってくれていますか?
今ここに 生きている証を刻むよ

いつかこの涙も 寂寞の想いも
忘れ去られそうな 時代の傷跡も
燦然と輝く あけもどろの中に
風が運んで 星にかわる そんな日を 待っている

Breakfast at Mac in New York

I am beginning to loathe cold weathers..change is the only thing that stays..i used to like and welcome cold weathers after being in Singapore since birth but now, i just dislike going out in the cold..especially when it is minus something degrees outside..

Writing from New York now on a Saturday evening 2pm here..back home should be around 3am Sunday morning..

anyway, it has been a couple of months since I came New York and was really looking forward to coming back here but I found myself staying in the room most of the time here just to keep myself warm..well, it isnt so bad since the telly programs in the states are really good.i get to watch shows and sitcoms which I have missed.

As a matter of fact, I have lotsa stuff which have been overdued..various readings and my revision for Jap hasnt been keeping up...of course and my beauty sleep!!

There is something I must share here..It disturbs me quite abit especially when it was the first thing I encountered in the morning.

I was having my breakfast in Mcdonalds' off W55 ST when a man came around asking for 50cents to have his breakfast..of course it wasnt enough and he was begging from table to table..

I didnt give him any and I would have if it was back home..but overseas, I am just very careful to open my wallet unless I am purchasing something over at a counter..even so, I am also very careful. And I have a habit of travelling on my own, going out shopping or having my meals alone so for a Chinese girl going on her own in the States, one has to be extra careful. So, it disturbs me when I saw this old man begging around for money inside Mcdonalds'.

2 thoughts came across my mind. 1, Is the states so free that beggars can beg inside shops? 2, My heart goes out to him but he didnt look that poor and shabbily dressed to be a beggar so what kind of life is he going through that he has to beg?

Consequently my mind was thinking if only I am able to introduce Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism to him..perhaps he is able to live a happier life without having that insecurity of having to beg for breakfast..then i realised that maybe he doesnt have that presence of mind that this is insecure or unhappy at all..maybe he has mental illness as he appeared so...i pity him really and not just him...having travelling to various countries made me seen so many people just like him..

Each time I walk passed these people and watching them lying down in the cold streets begging for money makes me feel sorry for them. I feel even worst when I dont help but giving money and I also feel worst when I do give them because I dont know if I am doing what I should when I give. Perhaps when I donate, I am not really doing them right. I always wonder what kind of life they went through and why do they have to beg.

Back in Singapore i know it isnt quite right to donate to those beggars or peddlers because if anything at all, to help them is to go through the right channels like social services or something because the system in singapore doesnt encourage beggars and i personally believe that the best way for these people is to help them find something that can sustain them in the long run instead too.

However, overseas, it is a different story but in the states, doesnt they have more social welfare than us?

*sigh* anyhow, that sight kinda spoilt my appetite when I was so looking forward to my deluxe breakfast at Mac.